New Energy Forum Feldheim Tour

BETD2022 Tour Review and Highlights

The village of Feldheim is one of the most spectacular concepts for supplying enterprises, private households and local government with renewable energies on a decentralised, self-sufficient basis. This tour includes a presentation followed by a tour through the village – a visit of the nearby wind power plant, the associated biogas plant and finally the connecting battery storage facility. Visitors learn how it is possible for communities to be supplied 100% with heating and electricity from local, renewable energy sources.

Featured Companies / Projects / Stops

Presentation and tour of the energy self-sufficient town Feldheim
• Wind farm and the E40 gondola
• Biogas plant and the heat distribution centre
• Regional Regulating Power Station (Battery storage)


• New Energy Forum Feldheim, Treuenbrietzen, Germany

Tour Dates & Times

Thursday, 30 March 2023, 08:30-15:30 (including travel time)

Please note that the programme is provisional and slight changes may occur.

Important Information

• Bus transfers will be available from a designated central meeting point to the tour destination/s and back.
• Refreshments and lunch will be provided during the tour.
• Due to safety reasons, some sites can only be visited with flat and sturdy shoes. Weather appropriate clothing is recommended as not all locations are indoors or undercover.
• Filming and photography are not allowed unless otherwise indicated at the site.
• Registration is required. As participation is limited, be sure to register as soon as possible.

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